A summary of the published papers and number of citations can be found in Google Scholar and in ResearcherID by Thomson Reuters.
- Martensen, A., Saura, S., Fortín, M.J. 2017. Spatio-temporal connectivity: assessing the amount of reachable habitat in dynamic landscapes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (in press).
- Rincón, G., Solana-Gutiérrez, J., Alonso, C., Saura, S., García de Jalón, D. 2017. Longitudinal connectivity loss in a riverine network: accounting for the likelihood of upstream and downstream movement across dams. Aquatic Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00027-017-0518-3.
- Gastón, A., Ciudad C., Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., García-Viñas, J.I., López-Leiva, C., Fernández-Landa, A., Marchamalo, M., Cuevas, J., de la Fuente, B., Fortín, M.-J., Saura, S. 2017. Species' habitat use inferred from environmental variables at multiple scales: how much we gain from high-resolution vegetation data? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 55: 1-8.
- Blázquez-Cabrera, S., Gastón, A., Beier, P., Garrote, G., Simón, M.A. & Saura, S. 2016. Influence of separating home range and dispersal movements on characterizing corridors and effective distances. Landscape Ecology 31: 2355–2366.
- Gastón, A., Blázquez-Cabrera, S., Garrote, G., Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Beier, P., Simón, M.A. & Saura, S. 2016. Response to agriculture by a woodland species depends on cover type and behavioural state: insights from resident and dispersing Iberian lynx. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 814-824.
- Santini, L., Saura, S. & Rondinini, C. 2016. Connectivity of the global network of protected areas. Diversity and Distributions 22: 199-211.
- Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Gastón, A., Ciudad, C., García-Viñas, J.I., Cuevas, J., López-Leiva, C., Fernández-Landa, A., Algeet-Abarquero, N., Marchamalo, M., Fortin, M-J. & Saura, S. 2016. Seasonal and temporal changes in species use of the landscape: how do they impact the inferences from multi-scale habitat modeling? Landscape Ecology 31: 1261–1276.
- Maiorano, L., Amori, G., Montemaggiori, A., Rondinini, C., Santini, L., Saura, S. & Boitani, L. 2015. On how much biodiversity is covered in Europe by national protected areas and by the Natura 2000 network: insights from terrestrial vertebrates. Conservation Biology 29: 986-995.
- Saura, S. 2015. Quantifying dispersal paths in probabilistic habitat networks: a reply to Hock and Mumby (2015) and an overview of recent developments and applications. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.2978.2883. UPM Digital Repository http://oa.upm.es/37351/. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.2978.2883.
- Rubio, L., Bodin, Ö, Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2015. Connectivity conservation priorities for individual patches evaluated in the present landscape: how durable and effective are they in the long term? Ecography 38: 782-791. >> Featured in Conservation Corridor.
- Merken, R., Deboelpaep, E., Teunen, J., Saura S. & Koedam, N. 2015. Wetland suitability and connectivity for trans-Saharan migratory waterbirds. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135445.
- Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Balkenhol, N., Cushman, S., Pérez, T., Domínguez, A. & Saura, S. 2015. A comparative framework to infer landscape effects on population genetic structure: are habitat suitability models effective in explaining gene flow? Landscape Ecology 30: 1405-1420.
- Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Balkenhol, N., Cushman, S., Pérez, T., Domínguez, A. & Saura S. 2015. Estimating effective landscape distances and movement corridors: comparison of habitat and genetic data. Ecosphere 6: art59.
- Pérez-Hernández, C.G., Vergara, P.M., Saura, S. & Hernández, J. 2015. Do corridors promote connectivity for bird-dispersed trees? The case of Persea lingue in Chilean fragmented landscapes. Landscape Ecology 30: 77-90. >> Featured in Conservation Corridor.
- Hernández, A., Miranda, M., Arellano, E., Saura, S. & Ovalle, C. 2015. Landscape dynamics and their effect on the functional connectivity of a Mediterranean landscape in Chile. Ecological Indicators 48: 198-206.
- Vergara, P., Saura, S., Pérez-Hernández, C.G., Soto, G.E. 2015. Hierarchical spatial decisions in fragmented landscapes: modelling the foraging movements of woodpeckers. Ecological Modelling 300: 114-122.
- Saura, S., Bodin, Ö. & Fortin, M.J. 2014. Stepping stones are crucial for species’ long-distance dispersal and range expansion through habitat networks. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 171-182. >> Selected as Journal of Applied Ecology Editor's Choice with the commentary entitled "Managing for stepping stone habitats to facilitate species range expansion - generalized network models lead the way" >> Featured in Conservation Corridor. >> Featured in the Science for Environment Policy information service by the European Commission (issue 368) with the commentary "Stepping stone patches of habitat help reduce effects of fragmentation".
- Blázquez-Cabrera, S., Bodin, Ö & Saura, S. 2014. Indicators of the impacts of habitat loss on connectivity and related conservation priorities: do they change when habitat patches are defined at different scales? Ecological Indicators 45: 704-716.
- Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Cushman, S. & Saura, S. 2014. Connecting endangered brown bear subpopulations in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain). Animal Conservation 17: 430-440.
- Gil-Tena, A., Nabucet, J., Mony, C., Abadie, J., Saura, S., Butet, A., Burel, F. & Ernoult, A. 2014. Woodland bird response to landscape connectivity in an agriculture-dominated landscape: a functional community approach. Community Ecology 15: 256-268.
- Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Cushman, S. & Saura, S. 2014. Scale dependence in habitat selection: the case of the endangered brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain). International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28: 1531-1546.
- Gurrutxaga, M. & Saura, S. 2014. Prioritizing highway defragmentation locations for restoring landscape connectivity. Environmental Conservation 41: 157-164.
- Frate, L., Saura, S., Minotti, M., Di Martino, P., Giancola, C. & Carranza, M.L. 2014. Quantifying forest spatial pattern trends at multiple extents: an approach to detect significant changes at different scales. Remote Sensing 6: 9298-9315.
Martín-Martín, C., Bunce, R., Saura, S. & Elena-Rosselló. R. 2013. Changes and
interactions between forest landscape connectivity and burnt area in Spain.
Ecological Indicators 33: 129-138.
- Martín-Queller, E., Diez, J., Ibáñez, I. & Saura, S. 2013. Effects of silviculture on native tree species richness: interactions between management, landscape context and regional climate. Journal of Applied Ecology 50: 775–785.
- Martín-Queller, E. & Saura, S. 2013. Landscape species pools and connectivity patterns influence tree species richness in both managed and unmanaged stands. Forest Ecology and Management 289: 123-132.
- Gil-Tena, A., Brotons, L., Fortin, M.-J., Burel, F. & Saura, S. 2013. Assessing the role of landscape connectivity in recent woodpecker range expansion in Mediterranean Europe: forest management implications. European Journal of Forest Research 132: 181-194.
- Luque, S., Saura, S. & Fortin, M.J. 2012. Landscape connectivity analysis for conservation: insights from combining new methods with ecological and genetic data. Landscape Ecology 27: 153-157.
- Ortega, M., Saura, S., González-Ávila, S., Gómez, V. & Elena-Rosselló, R. 2012. Landscape vulnerability to wildfires at the forest-agriculture interface: half-century patterns in Spain assessed through the SISPARES monitoring framework. Agroforestry Sytems 85: 331-349.
- Torras, O., Gil-Tena, A. & Saura, S. 2012. Changes in biodiversity indicators in managed and unmanaged forests in NE Spain. Journal of Forest Research 17: 19-29.
- Rubio, L., Rodríguez-Freire, M., Mateo-Sánchez, M.C., Estreguil, C. & Saura, S. 2012. Sustaining forest landscape connectivity under different land cover change scenarios. Forest Systems 21: 223-235.
- Zozaya, E., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2012. Recent fire history and connectivity patterns determine bird species distribution dynamics in landscapes dominated by land abandonment. Landscape Ecology 27: 171-184.
- Rubio, L. & Saura, S. 2012. Assessing the importance of individual habitat patches as irreplaceable connectivity providers: an analysis of simulated and real landscape data. Ecological Complexity 11: 28-37.
- Carranza, M.L., D'Alessandro, E., Saura, S. & Loy, A. 2012. Connectivity providers for semi-aquatic vertebrates: the case of the endangered otter in Italy. Landscape Ecology 27: 281-290.
- Zozaya, E., Brotons, L., Saura, S., Pons, P. & Herrando, S. 2012. Connectivity determines post-fire colonization by open-habitat bird species: the case of the ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana. Ardeola 59: 57-74.
- Gurrutxaga, M., Rubio, L., & Saura, S. 2011. Key connectors in protected forest area networks and the impact of highways: a transnational case study from the Cantabrian Range to the Western Alps. Landscape and Urban Planning 101: 310-320.
- Saura, S., Estreguil, C., Mouton, C. & Rodríguez-Freire, M. 2011. Network analysis to assess landscape connectivity trends: application to European forests (1990-2000). Ecological Indicators 11: 407-416.
- Saura, S., Vogt, P., Velázquez, J., Hernando, A. & Tejera, R. 2011. Key structural connectors can be identified by combining landscape spatial pattern and network analyses. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 150-160.
- Piqué, M., Obon, B., Condés, S. & Saura, S. 2011. Comparison of relascope and fixed-radius plots for the estimation of forest stand variables in Northeast Spain: an inventory simulation approach. European Journal of Forest Research 130: 851-859.
- Martín-Queller, E., Gil-Tena, A. & Saura, S. 2011. Species richness of woody plants in the landscapes of Central Spain: the role of management disturbances, environment and non-stationarity. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 238-250.
- Elena-Rosselló, R & Saura, S. 2011. Book review “Deforestation and Climate Change. Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation”. European Review of Agricultural Economics 38: 283-286.
- García-Feced, C., Saura, S. & Elena-Rosselló, R. 2011. Improving landscape connectivity in forest districts: a two-stage process for prioritizing agricultural patches for reforestation. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 154-161.
- Martín-Queller, E., Torras, O., Alberdi, I., Solana, J. & Saura, S. 2011. Large-scale determinants of biodiversity across Spanish forest habitats: accounting for model uncertainty in compositional and structural indicators. Forest Systems 20: 151-164.
- Baranyi, G., Saura, S., Podani, J., & Jordán, F. 2011. Contribution of habitat patches to network connectivity: redundancy and uniqueness of topological indices. Ecological Indicators 11: 1301-1310.
- Gil-Tena, A., Vega-García, C., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2010. Modelling bird species richness with neural networks for forest landscape management in NE Spain. Forest Systems 19 (SI): 113-125.
- García-Feced, C., Saura, S. & Elena-Rosselló, R. 2010. Assessing the effect of scale on the ability of landscape structure metrics to discriminate landscape types in Mediterranean forest districts. Forest Systems 19: 129-140.
- Bodin, Ö. & Saura, S. 2010. Ranking individual habitat patches as connectivity providers: integrating network analysis and patch removal experiments. Ecological Modelling 221: 2393-2405.
- Saura, S., & Rubio, L. 2010. A common currency for the different ways in which patches and links can contribute to habitat availability and connectivity in the landscape. Ecography 33: 523-537.
- Gil-Tena, A., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2010. Effects of forest landscape change and management on the range expansion of forest bird species in the Mediterranean region. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1338-1346.
- Saura, S. 2010. Measuring connectivity in habitat mosaics: the equivalence of two existing network indices and progress beyond them. Community Ecology 11: 217-222.
- Torras, O., Martín-Queller, E. & Saura, S. 2009. Relating landscape structure, environment and management to biodiversity indicators estimated from forest inventory data in Catalonia (NE Spain). Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales 18: 322-337.
- Gil-Tena, A., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2009. Mediterranean forest dynamics and forest bird distribution changes in the late 20th century. Global Change Biology 15: 474-485.
- Saura, S. & J. Torné. 2009. Conefor Sensinode 2.2: a software package for quantifying the importance of habitat patches for landscape connectivity. Environmental Modelling & Software 24: 135-139.
- Torras, O. & S. Saura. 2008. Effects of silvicultural treatments on forest biodiversity indicators in the Mediterranean. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 3322-3330.
- Pascual-Hortal, L. & S. Saura. 2008. Integrating landscape connectivity in broad-scale forest planning through a new graph-based habitat availability methodology: application to capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in Catalonia (NE Spain). European Journal of Forest Research 127: 23-31.
- Torras, O., A. Gil-Tena & S. Saura. 2008. How does forest landscape structure explain tree species richness in a Mediterranean context? Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 1227-1240.
- Gil-Tena, A., Torras, O. & Saura, S. 2008. Relationships between forest landscape structure and avian species richness in NE Spain. Ardeola 55: 27-40.
- Saura, S. & L. Pascual-Hortal. 2007. A new habitat availability index to integrate connectivity in landscape conservation planning: comparison with existing indices and application to a case study. Landscape and Urban Planning 83 (2-3): 91-103.
- Gil-Tena, A., S. Saura & L. Brotons. 2007. Effects of forest composition and structure on bird species richness in a Mediterranean context: implications for forest ecosystem management. Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3): 470-476.
- Pascual-Hortal, L. & S. Saura. 2007. Impact of spatial scale on the identification of critical habitat patches for the maintenance of landscape connectivity. Landscape and Urban Planning 83 (2-3): 176-186.
- Saura, S. & S. Castro. 2007. Scaling functions for landscape pattern metrics derived from remotely sensed data: are their subpixel estimates really accurate? ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 62 (3): 201-216.
- Pascual-Hortal, L. & S. Saura. 2006. Comparison and development of new graph-based landscape connectivity indices: towards the priorization of habitat patches and corridors for conservation. Landscape Ecology 21 (7): 959-967.
- García-Gigorro, S. & S. Saura. 2005. Forest fragmentation estimated from remotely sensed data: is comparison across scales possible? Forest Science 51 (1): 51-63.
- Saura, S. & P. Carballal. 2004. Discrimination of native and exotic forest patterns through shape irregularity indices: an analysis in the landscapes of Galicia, Spain. Landscape Ecology 19 (6): 647-662.
- Saura, S. 2004. Effects of remote sensor spatial resolution and data aggregation on selected fragmentation indices. Landscape Ecology 19 (2): 197-209.
- Saura, S. 2002. Effects of minimum mapping unit on land cover data spatial configuration and composition. International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (22): 4853-4880.
- Saura, S. & J. San-Miguel-Ayanz. 2002. Forest cover mapping in central Spain with IRS-WiFS images and multiextent textural-contextual measures. International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (3): 603-609.
- Saura, S. & J. Martínez-Millán. 2001. Sensitivity of landscape pattern metrics to map spatial extent. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 67 (9): 1027-1036.
- Saura, S. & J. Martínez-Millán. 2000. Landscape patterns simulation with a modified random clusters method. Landscape Ecology 15 (7): 661-678.
- Saura, S., de la Fuente, B. 2017. Connectivity as the amount of reachable habitat: conservation priorities and the roles of habitat patches in landscape networks. In: Gergel, S.E., Turner, M.G. (Eds.), Learning Landscape Ecology: a Practical Guide to Concepts and Techniques, 2nd edition, pp. 229-254. Springer-Verlag, New York. ISBN 978-1-4939-6372-0. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6374-4. http://www.springer.com/978-1-4939-6372-0.
- Saura, S., Martín-Queller, E. & Hunter, M. L. 2014. Forest landscape change and biodiversity conservation. In: Azevedo, J.C., Perera, A.H., Pinto, M.A. (Eds.), Forest landscapes and global change: challenges for research and management, pp. 167-198. Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4939-0952-0.
- Saura, S. 2013. Métodos y
herramientas para el análisis de la conectividad del paisaje y su integración en
los planes de conservación. In: De la Cruz, M., Maestre, F. (Eds.), Avances en
el análisis espacial de datos ecológicos: aspectos metodológicos y aplicados,
pp. 1-46.
ECESPA-Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre.
ISBN 978-84-616-3448-4 .
- Alberdi, I., Hernández, L., Saura, S., Barrera, M., Gil, P., Condés, S., Cantero, A., Sandoval, V., Vallejo, R., Cañellas, I. 2012. Estimación de la biodiversidad forestal en el País Vasco. Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. 441 pp. ISBN 978-84-8014-814-6.
- Ballesteros, F., Blanco, J.C., García-Lorenzo, J.L., Gómez-Manzanedo, M., Gurrutxaga, M., Gutiérrez, V., Nores, C., Palazón, S., Palomero, G., Piñuela, M., Rafa, M., Rosell, C., Ruiz, G., Saura, S., Simón, M.A., Urchaga, A. 2012. Recomendaciones básicas para la definición de corredores y la desfragmentación de infraestructuras para el oso pardo. In: San Miguel, A., Ballesteros, F., Blanco, J.C., Palomero, G. (Eds.), Manual de buenas prácticas para la gestión de corredores oseros en la Cordillera Cantábrica. pp. 183-193. Fundación Oso Pardo. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Serie de Manuales de Gestión de Especies Amenazadas. ISBN 978-84-8014-832-0.
- Saura, S., Pascual-Hortal, L., Brotons, L. & Rubio, L. 2011. Integración de la conectividad ecológica en la gestión del hábitat del urogallo: herramienta metodológica y ejemplo de aplicación. In: Canut, J., García-Ferré, D., Afonso, I. (Eds.), Manual de conservación y manejo del hábitat del urogallo pirenaico. pp. 145-171. Serie de Manuales de Gestión de Especies Amenazadas. Ministerio Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. ISBN: 978-90-481-3232-4.
- Gil-Tena, A., Fortin, M.J., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2011. Forest avian species richness distribution and management guidelines under global change in Mediterranean landscapes. In: Chao, L., Lafortezza, R., Chen, J., (Eds.), Landscape ecology in forest management and conservation: challenges and solutions for global change. pp. 231-251. Springer-HEP. ISBN 978-3-642-12753-3.
- McRoberts, R.E., Chirici, G., Winter, S., Barbati, A., Corona, P., Marchetti, M., Hauk, E., Brändli, U.B., Beranova, J., Rondeux, J., Sánchez, C., Bertini, R., Barsoum, N., Alberdi, I., Condés, S., Saura, S., Neagu, S., Cluzeau, C., & Hamza, N. 2011. Prospects for harmonized biodiversity assessments using National Forest Inventory data. In: Chirici, G., Winter, S., McRoberts, R. (Eds.), National Forest Inventories: Contributions to Forest Biodiversity Assessments. pp. 41-98. Managing Forest Ecosystems Series. Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-0481-7.
- Saura, S. 2011. Las instrucciones de ordenación de montes. In: Martínez, S., Prieto, A., Saura, S., Díaz-Balteiro, L., Manual para la redacción de instrumentos de gestión forestal sostenible (ordenación de montes) en Castilla-La Mancha. Serie Forestal nº 8. Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Consejería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente. Dirección General de Política Forestal. pp. 33-53.
- Saura, S. 2011. Conservación y fomento de la biodiversidad en la ordenación de montes. In: Martínez, S., Prieto, A., Saura, S., Díaz-Balteiro, L., Manual para la redacción de instrumentos de gestión forestal sostenible (ordenación de montes) en Castilla-La Mancha. Serie Forestal nº 8. Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. Consejería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente. Dirección General de Política Forestal. pp. 113-157.
- Alberdi, I., Condés, S., Martínez-Millán, J., Saura, S., Sánchez, G., Pérez, F., Villanueva, J.A. & Vallejo, R. 2010. National Forest Inventory Report: Spain. In: Tomppo, E., Gschwantner, T., Lawrence, M., McRoberts, R.E. (Eds.), National Forest Inventories: pathways for harmonised reporting. pp. 527-540. Springer. ISBN: 978-90-481-3232-4.
- Saura, S., Torras, O., Gil-Tena, A. & L. Pascual-Hortal. 2008. Shape irregularity as indicator of forest biodiversity and guidelines for metric selection. In: Lafortezza, R., Chen, J., Sanesi, G., Crow, T.R. (Eds.), Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes: Multiple Use and Sustainable Management. pp. 167-189. Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8503-1.
- Saura, S. 2008. Evaluating forest landscape connectivity through Conefor Sensinode 2.2 software. In: Lafortezza, R., Chen, J., Sanesi, G., Crow, T.R. (Eds.), Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes: Multiple Use and Sustainable Management. pp. 403-422. Springer. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8503-1.
- Saura, S. 2008. Ordenación forestal: ejercicios resueltos. Servicio de ediciones y publicaciones de la Universidad de Lleida. 139 pp. ISBN 978-84-8409-269-8.
- Obon, B., Piqué, M. & S. Saura. 2006. Manual d'ús del relascopi Bitterlich per a l'inventari forestal. Centro de la Propiedad Forestal, Generalitat de Cataluña.
- Saura, S., Piqué, M. 2006. Forests and forest sector in Catalonia. In: Estany, J. (Ed.), Agriculture and Agri-food Production in Perspective: Profile of the Sector in Catalonia [cd-rom]. Universidad de Lleida. ISBN 84-8409-207-0.
- Saura, S., Vega, C., Lobo, A., Piqué, M. & Pascual, L. (Eds.). 2005. Actas de la I Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo en Inventario y Teledetección Forestal. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales nº 19. 259 pp.
- Martínez-Millán, J. & S. Saura. 2000. Simulación del comportamiento del fuego: el sistema Cardin. En: Vélez, R. (Ed.), La defensa contra incendios forestales: fundamentos y experiencias, pp. 9.20-9.35. McGraw Hill. ISBN 84-481-2742-0.
- Diseño de la metodología y análisis de la fragmentación y estructura espacial de los bosques en el Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional (IFN3), resultados incluidos dentro del capítulo de biodiversidad de múltiples publicaciones provinciales del IFN3 realizadas por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
- Gastón, A., García-Viñas, J.I., Saura, S., Caudullo, G. & de Rigo, D.2015. Juniperus thurifera in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. FISE Comm., 013486a3+, Publ. Off. EU.
- Saura, S. & de la Fuente, B. 2012. Connecting habitat patches in fragmented landscapes. Current Conservation 6 (4): 22-28.
- Saura, S., González-Ávila, S. & Elena-Rosselló, R. 2011. Evaluación de los cambios en la conectividad de los bosques: el índice del área conexa equivalente y su aplicación a los bosques de Castilla y León. Montes, Revista de Ámbito Forestal 106: 15-21.
- Saura, S. 2010. Del rodal al paisaje: un cambio de escala, nuevas perspectivas para la planificación y ordenación forestales. Conferencias y Ponencias del 5º Congreso Forestal Español. Ponencia Invitada de la Mesa Temática 8 (Monte, paisaje y territorio: planificación y ordenación forestal). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 31: 213-239.
- Canut, J., Roig, J., Afonso, I. & Saura, S. 2011. Gall fer (Tetrao urogallus). En: Herrando, S., Brotons, L., Estrada, J., Guallar, S. & Anton, M. (Eds.), Atles dels ocells de Catalunya a l’hivern 2006-2009, pp. 152-153. Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO) / Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
- Gil, A., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2009. Efecto de la composición y la estructura del bosque en la riqueza de aves forestales: implicaciones para la gestión forestal sostenible. Montes, Revista de Ámbito Forestal 97: 17-24.
- D'Alessandro, E., Carranza, M.L., Saura, S. & Loy, A. 2009. Modello di rete ecologica per la lontra in Italia. Estimo e Territorio 4: 31-38.
- Villavicencio, R., Saura, S., Santiago, A.L. & Chávez, A. 2009. La conectividad forestal de las áreas protegidas del estado de Jalisco con otros ambientes naturales. Scientia CUCBA 11: 43-50.
- D'Alessandro, E., Carranza, M.L., Saura, S., Loy, A. & Paura, B. 2009. Riqualificazione territoriale e areale della lontra in Italia. Estimo e Territorio 12: 23-30.
- Pascual-Hortal, L. & S. Saura. 2008. Integración de la conectividad ecológica de los bosques en los instrumentos de planificación forestal a escala comarcal y regional: propuesta metodológica y nueva herramienta de decisión. Montes, Revista de Ámbito Forestal 94: 31-37.
- Gil, A., Saura, S., Alberdi, I., & Villanueva, J.A. 2008. Cambios en la estructura y diversidad de los bosques catalanes entre 1989 y 2001 evaluados a partir del inventario forestal nacional. Rural & Forest 9: 10-17.
- Obon, B., Piqué, M., Saura, S. & Condés, S. 2008. El relascopio de Bitterlich: estimación de variables dasométricas en inventarios forestales. Rural & Forest 8: 2-11.
- Gil-Tena, A., Vega-García, C., Brotons, L. & Saura, S. 2007. Modelización de las relaciones entre las características del bosque y la diversidad de aves forestales mediante redes neuronales: implicaciones para la gestión forestal sostenible. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales n° 23: 181-186. ISSN 1575-2410.
- Saura, S. 2007. Integrating landscape connectivity in broad-scale forest planning: a methodology based on graph structures and habitat availability indices. Scientific tools and research needs for multifunctional Mediterranean forest ecosystem management. European Forest Institute Proceedings 56: 93-104.
- Saura, S., Vega, C., Piqué, M., Lobo, A. & Pascual, L. (Eds.). 2005. Actas de la I Reunión de Inventario y Teledetección Forestal (INVETEL 2004). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, n° 19. 259 pp.
- Alberdi, I., S. Saura & Martínez-Millán, J. 2005. El estudio de la biodiversidad en el Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 19: 11-20.
- García-Gigorro, S. & Saura, S. 2005. Estimación de la fragmentación de los bosques a partir de imágenes de satélite: el problema de la resolución espacial. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 19: 111-116.
- Lobo, A. & Saura, S. 2005. Apoyo de los sensores ópticos y de radar de apertura sintética a la información forestal. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 19: 135-140.
- García-Gigorro, S. & Saura, S. 2004. Estimating landscape fragmentation indices from satellite images: the effect of sensor spatial resolution. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems and Hydrology V. Proceedings of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 5232: 668-675.
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